Lesson ID: A0098
In this guitar lesson, we’ll show you some country and bluegrass crosspicking patterns that’ll help you improve your pick control. After we learn the patterns and discuss proper technique, we’ll go over how you can mix these patterns with your country strumming to spice up your rhythm guitar playing.
Video Start Time | Lesson Topic |
00:00 min | Crosspicking Overview |
01:25 min | Crosspicking Pattern 1 |
03:31 min | Pick Direction |
04:21 min | Crosspicking Pattern 2 |
05:17 min | Proper Technique |
06:47 min | Changing Chords |
08:07 min | How to Mix Crosspicking with Country Strumming |
15:38 min | Shifting to Different Strings |
16:48 min | Intermediate Crosspicking/Strumming Rhythm |
This is really fun to practice. Thanks man!
Thanks for the awesome lesson, Devin. This should keep me busy the next few days. Great stuff!!
Great technique for all around rhythm. Awesome lesson!
Very nice lesson
I think crosspicking between chords beats bass walk ups & downs. Never could get that right!
For sure…I’m a big fan of working in crosspicking between chords too…getting it clean makes the chord changes sound really smooth
Very helpful
i would love to know the run you play at the beginning.
Hey Dennis – Just added the tablature for that run…most of it’s played with triplets. Here’s a link to the tab download https://countryguitaronline.com/download/7364/
Hope that helps
At the end of the video Dennis , great one indeed
I still struggle to get up to speed but the way you do each section explaining in detail is great for beginners in this style! I recommend your teaching techniques.!
Thans Devin.
I love molly tuttle like nobodies business but this video is way better then hers from AG mag
Thanks! Appreciate it
This is where I needed to start. Thanks Devin!
Good deal! Glad this one’s workin out. I’m actually planning to throw together a quick video on how to read the tablature notation that I use in a lot of lessons…it’ll be pretty useful for the fill riff course. Been getting a lot of requests for this. I’ll try to have it posted soon
Excellent lesson
I’ll be adding some more info to this page soon and more crosspicking lesson videos on the way.
Hope y’all have a great week!
Great way to learn Bluegrass guitar
I followed you on YouTube and when I came across this lesson it was the one that made me sign into the PAID version to learn more of your Bluegrass lessons…thanks so much!!
Awesome, thanks Greg! I’ll try to work some more crosspicking into the lessons here soon…actually been getting several requests for that lately.
These courses have helped my playing tremendously. Especially, the sections on crosspicking and strumming.
Keep up the great work Devon!!
nice one , so helpful to make it less boring and add extra country bluegrass touch , cheers
That’s a terrific lesson. Ive been building up my cross picking speed following a Molly Tuttle class she did for acoustic guitar magazine and this takes it on a step. Really useful. Loads to practice now.
Incredible. I’ve got it so quick! Thanks! Amazing course,