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The Best Country Strumming Patterns

Lesson ID: A0060

Ever wondered what makes a strumming pattern sound country? In this lesson video I’ll show you! We’ll go over several common country strumming patterns and I’ll teach you some awesome techniques to spice up your country rhythm guitar playing. These techniques will work with just about every country song you hear on the radio! If you like this lesson, you might also like our Classic Country Strumming Course.

Video Start Time Lesson Topic
00:00 min Lesson Overview
00:24 min Your Choice of Guitar Pick
01:27 min Best Way to Grip Your Pick
02:39 min Modern Country Strumming Pattern
03:31 min Smooth Out Your Strumming
04:10 min Traditional Strumming Pattern
04:55 min What Makes It Sound Country?
06:01 min Pick D Pick D U
06:41 min Pick D Pick U D U
07:57 min Country Rhythm Hammer-On
08:46 min Alternating Bass Notes
10:40 min Pick D Pick Pick D U
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Bryan (@guest_3)
9 years ago

So helpful thanks a lot!

9 years ago

Well explained and high quality video. I just found my new guitar teacher!

9 years ago

My goal this week is to perfect this! Thanks so much!

9 years ago

Best lesson on strumming I’ve found by far

9 years ago

very good lesson, great sounding guitar!

9 years ago

Great lessons , best online teacher I have seen. Keep of the good work

Lauren S
Lauren S(@lauren)
9 years ago

I just want to say thank you so much for this lesson! This is really helping my strumming

Eddie (@guest_131)
8 years ago

I just found your website and wanted to say thanks for a great lesson! You really have a knack for breaking down the mechanics of playing. Looking forward to watching more of your videos.

PreezyFB (@guest_132)
8 years ago

Wow, man that’s amazing video. You really broke it down to the basics.

09jitters (@guest_133)
8 years ago

What a great job!! I learned more from you than I have with others. Great job of taking your time on the pointers of for us. I hope that other guitar instructors watch this. Thanks a million.

bossd13 (@guest_136)
8 years ago

Your breakdown makes a lot of sense thanks i learned a lot from this. Joined! Looking forward to more lessons

Brandon (@guest_143)
8 years ago

Really helpful thanks a lot

Suzie (@guest_146)
8 years ago

very nice lesson

Joseph (@guest_177)
8 years ago

Wow amazing lesson I learned so much from this thanks a lot man!

Trudy (@guest_186)
8 years ago

Hi Devin,

I’m Canadian. I ordered the BlueChip STP 50 Pick. Thank you, thank you for this tip!! It improved my playing immediately!! I forwarded your video to them.

Sharon (@guest_525)
8 years ago

Thankyou loved the lesson, has really helped me.

Clint (@guest_668)
7 years ago

Such a great lesson

Aaron (@guest_694)
7 years ago

So awesome!! Thank you so much. Very helpful lesson.

Brice (@guest_853)
7 years ago

What kind of guitar is that? Sounds really good

6 years ago
Reply to  Devin

You just have to get the D-15M for solid genuine mahogany now. I have the 000-15M. It’s great!

7 years ago

very interesting Devin , that pick looks like the one I suggested (cool pick phat cat) and you mentioned Brad Davis! Wow the same Brad Davis I remember from years ago trying to get his up down down up speed picking! 🙂 anyway like the grip too , Stephane Lucarelli holds his pick pretty much like that too even when he hybrid picks!, i sometimes do but yeah probable best now to keep that in mind so the pick don’t spin as much!

7 years ago
Reply to  Devin

yes , I remember saving his youtube interview and short tutorial tried also but man Brad Davis owns that!, that is dizzy fast shredding,, he explained how he acquired his double down up technique from his brother a banjo player,, looks like economy picking to me but man that is crazy shredding indeed…Yes the cool picks have that bevel too and grip texture, harden nylon last long time easy 6 months ,fit perfect and think a buck each. Anyway, must say i appreciate your easy to follow tutorials . Enjoy!

Brandon h
Brandon h (@guest_946)
7 years ago

this was an awesome video, i really appreciate you man ive wanted to learn a country style rhythm for awhile and every video i came across was pretty much garbage, but today i stumbled apon this and was blown away with it. your awesome man. ill be canceling all my subrciptions to tab pros and all that because ive learned more from your video in 13 minutes then all of them combined

7 years ago

Good lesson. I liked the tip to concentrate strumming on the top 4 strings and not the whole chord. But on the C chord, why not use the “old school” C of C/G and not bother with moving your ring finger around?

Connie (@guest_1093)
7 years ago

Thank you very much! Impressive….

Ariel (@guest_1106)
7 years ago

That was very, very helpful. Thanks so much!!

Tasha (@guest_1252)
7 years ago

Terrific instructor! Thanks so much – great pacing for the lesson, and excellent approach.

6 years ago

Great lesson thanks!

Devin (@guest_1334)
6 years ago
Reply to  bjbobsprague

Thanks! Loving the hat by the way

William Taylor
William Taylor (@guest_1010363)
6 years ago

It’s easy to to show a strum but nobody shows how to play a song on the strum?

6 years ago

Yes William Taylor, Devin does a great job showing how to use strumming patterns in songs. His strumming course is excellent! I recommend you spend the $1 and try it for yourself!

6 years ago

Playing rock for quite awhile, I pretty much forgot the different country strumming patterns. Great job in bringing it back!

6 years ago

i agree Glenn , so helpful to get different rhytmn … essential to make it less boring…
really calm and well explained

6 years ago

Looking for an opinion. In this lesson (A0060) — strumming patterns, you mentioned (P D P P D U) as your favorite pattern. This is six attacks for a 4/4 measure and eight counts. Would it be too boring if one were to use (P P D U P P D U). This gives 1& 2& 3& 4& and aligns counts with attacks (down and up). Not sure if I am clear here. If not pass on by.

6 years ago
Reply to  Devin

Thanks for the good feedback. I will work this.

Brad Cox
Brad Cox(@brad-cox)
4 months ago

Devin, is there a pdf sheet we can follow?

jennifer swad
jennifer swad(@jencswadgmail-com)
5 days ago

Help, I can’t tell if you are alternating the bass on the more complex pattern or sticking with the same bass note. Thanks for any clarity. Cheers