In this lesson we’re going to go over an awesome Lynyrd Skynyrd style blues progression that involves hybrid picking. If you’re new to hybrid picking, you might also want to check out my hybrid picking lesson series. In this particular lesson, we’ll focus on using the pick, middle finger, and ring finger.
Once you master this style, it’s really fun to use at a jam sessions. For example, when you’re playing the twelve bar blues at a jam, trading lead back and forth, you can use this hybrid picking style when it’s your turn to play the rhythm part. It always sounds great when you can start out strumming during one section of a song, then switch to a hybrid picking style during another section. This adds some variation that makes your music sound much more interesting to your listeners.
Really fun to play, great lesson!
Wow I’ve just kinda glossed over these lessons as I didn’t think they were like the others for some reason.
Absolute this Southern Rock style and been a fan for years.
I play sweet home Alabama do this will make a nice addition too.
Gonna be a hard one but with the lesson achievable. Many thanks
Loving this lesson, and I’m working slowly through it. My some of your improvisation riffs are awesome at the end run through 🙂
Is there a particular Lynyrd Skynyrd song that would fit this arrangement ?
Thanks once again 🙂
Hey Justin – Sorry, I totally missed your comment and question on this lesson! I was just going through some older lesson and making some updates. The Lynyrd Skynyrd song that you could practice this progression with is called “Swamp Music”. Hope everything’s going well!
Appreciate this lesson, is it out of context to make a request of sweet home Alabama? Thanks Devin
I can’t get that slap down
When was this here? I love it! Wow this is great