Bluegrass Guitar Lick 12 in G
Lesson ID: BL-G0012
Key: G Major
Scale(s) Used:
Key: G Major
Scale(s) Used:
- G Major Scale > 5th/1st/2nd Positions
- G Blues Scale > 5th/1st/2nd Positions
Lesson Video
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Country Bluegrass Lick Lesson Materials © Country Guitar Online, LLC. All rights reserved.
Devin, your bluegrass lick library is SO helpful. I have been needing to learn more licks so I can keep up at jams and this tool makes it easy. Great job. I’m looking forward to some bluegrass licks in F for a song I’m working on if you can get to it! Loving your lessons and method of teaching
Really appreciate this stuff Devin! I honestly haven’t been devoting enough time here, joined premium months ago and haven been playing electric blues etc,, I’m at heart into this and what you are teaching is simply fantastic..just went through all 12 in key of G again..(last I been here was a couple months or so ago but, I seem to have contained a bit of muscle memory since or second time around (much easier flow this time around) I am going to try and promote your site. thanks again! need to break! I’ll be doing these lessons more often,,I enjoy… Read more »
Hey John! Awesome, any promotion you could do for my site would be greatly appreciated! Also really nice to hear you’re digging into the bluegrass lick library. I kind of put this together as a test to see if there’s interest and everyone seems to like it which is great. Six new bluegrass licks in A will be added this afternoon and then on to the key of F and then B. Have a great weekend!
Devin, the lick library is super helpful. Practice for muscle and ear memory, plus the relationship to the maj/min/blues scale positions gives us a real learning experience instead of “just a lick”. I have a lot of work ahead. Thanks!
Colfax, CA
I really wish you would incorporate these into the backing tracks so we can hear how you utilize them.
Sounds good, thanks Jason! I’ll try to add some helper videos throughout the lick library that’ll show some fun ways to practice the licks along with the tracks.