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Best Bluegrass Flatpicking Techniques

Lesson ID: A0057

It’s amazing how fast flatpickers Tony Rice, Bryan Sutton, David Grisham, and Dan Tyminski can pick on the guitar. If you’re anything like me, you’re always trying to pick faster and with more precision to keep up with these legends. In this lesson, we’ll go over some must-know bluegrass flatpicking techniques that will really help you increase your speed and improve your accuracy! If you like this lesson, you might also like our Bluegrass Lick Library.

Video Start Time Lesson Topic
00:00 min Lesson Overview
00:33 min Pick Direction for Building Speed
02:24 min Your Choice of Guitar Pick
03:19 min Two Important Pick Angles
05:31 min Relax Your Wrist but Play with a Heavy Hand

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jr1082 (@guest_151)
8 years ago

Devin – I found your website a few minutes ago. Very impressed — easy to use and I like how you have the tabs below each lesson. Just joined. Keep up the great work and looking forward to weekly lessons.

Joel Lindsey
Joel Lindsey(@joelandrewlindsey)
8 years ago

Just subscribed, but can’t get any of the videos to play. They keep saying “Error loading video. Please reload the page and try again in a couple of minutes.” What gives???

Joel Lindsey
Joel Lindsey(@joelandrewlindsey)
8 years ago
Reply to  Devin

Working great now! Thanks for the quick response, Devin!

Brandon (@guest_184)
8 years ago

Amazing lessons Devin! You really have a talent for breaking everything down.

6 years ago

been working on right hand lately. have always been able to hold the pick as you describe during lead parts. I struggle with this during fast rhythm parts and especially on up strokes as the pick will start to rotate. My solution has always been to tweak my grip a bit during rhythm parts with pointer finger angled more towards the point of the pick. i dont like doing this and hope to keep the correct grip on both lead and rhythm. Any tricks you can describe which will help me over come the pick starting to rotate? do you… Read more »

4 years ago

Got it now! I’m going to practice these 2 angle pick…..thanks Devin!

2 years ago

Great tip about the angle to pick edge! Just tried it – it’s much faster and smoother than how I have been playing. Thanks!

Matthew Sweeney
Matthew Sweeney(@sgtsween)
1 year ago

Do you anchor at all or float? Also, do you use mostly wrist or is there any finger movement?