Just joined the site recently and have greatly enjoyed your lesson on Arkansas Traveller easy flat picking arrangement. I’m living in England so don’t have a country/bluegrass background so would love to try what you might call a more “normal”. rather than easy version so I can:
a. Get an idea of what I will eventually be aiming for
b. Be a great thing to be working towards
Sometimes Devin includes an Intermediate arrangement along with an Easy one in the same lesson, however sometimes he only has the one. There may be a lot of beginning flatpickers who are happy to start with an easy song and then move on to the more difficult ones. There are a lot of songs that will challenge you and as you go through the catalogue of songs and add the ones you want to learn to your "favourites", you will come up with a list that fulfills your expectations.
Thanks for the quick reply. Appreciate the advice. I come from a background of doing a little finger picking - but unfortunately due to old injuries have developed arthritis in my hands. So have decided to learn to flat pick. Sure you are right, I have no illusions about the journey I have just started. Maybe a little too eager, so need to slow down and really start from scratch with Devin
@robwallace4360gmail-com The arrangement of "Nothing To It" would be one you might consider learning.
@robwallace4360gmail-com "Wildwood Flower" is also worthwhile considering learning Rob. That one does have an "intermediate" arrangement as well.
Thanks- I’ll add it to favourites and work on it