Bluegrass Guitar Lick 4 in G
Lesson ID: BL-G0004
Key: G Major
Scale(s) Used:
Key: G Major
Scale(s) Used:
- G Major Scale > 5th Position
- G Blues Scale > 5th Position
Lesson Video
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Hi Devin, these licks are for playing with the G chord…right? After this G lick number 4 what do I do? Am I continuing with the C chord? Thanks!
Hey Jocelyn! These licks in G here in the bluegrass lick library can usually be played over a complete chord progression in the key of G. They’re basically stock licks that work over any chord when the song is in the key of G. I’m posting a new lesson tomorrow afternoon that will probably help you make more sense of how to use these licks.
Here comes the light…thanks!
Very nice! The last few notes [beginning with the pull-off at the end of measure 3] make quite a good intro
to a tune in G.