Hi Michael, yes, I know, I read that NY stopped his tour due to illness... I hope he gets better and he comes to see us in Europe!
I hope you are well and that your spring and summer are better than here (rain, cold for months!), and that your learning to play the guitar is going well! For the original subject of this post, I think there will never be any news of the contests, that's pretty special...? Bye! Tibo
@thib Unusually wet here too, but nice overall and wet is better than dry to prevent wildfires. Trying to play more evenly without staccato. Maybe you know what I mean? More like Devin and less like me. The CGO Forum is a quite place. Whenever I go to the log in site, I notice new members are joining all the time, but with the exception of the odd song request, it's pretty quite. I hope the weather improves where you are on the mountain Tibo. Be careful what you wish for though. Too much heat can be a drag. Maybe I'm just getting old.
@jambongris Yes the weather is sometimes crazy.... but yes it is better some rain ...
@thib OMG Tibo - from your lips to God's ears: it looks like you are getting the hot weather you wished for. Maybe not on the mountain though, but in the heart of Grenoble, it's supposed to be in the thirties. Enjoy because as they say in The Game of Thrones, "winter is coming".
@jambongris Hi Michael, nothing to do with the subject (givaway - contest), but I wanted to let you know that my second guitar is finished ! some pictures if i can...
@thib I'll comment on the top view Tibo: it's really a work of art! The body shape looks 000 or parlour even? I really like the rosette! The tuners look gold in colour. Are they brass? I'm guessing the nut is plastic? The pick guard looks super cool, although you probably had mixed feelings about whether having a pick guard would affect the sound. What materials did you use for the bridge and fretboard? Walnut maybe?
@thib I am awestruck at how fantastic the back and sides look. Is that planetree wood? The grain is unlike anything I've ever seen on a guitar. It's kind of like flame maple on steroids. I can only imagine what it would look like if you'd applied a few coats of gloss finish to it. That is some kind of beautiful guitar you've built there Tibo! Congratulations. If it sounds half as it looks, then you're probably very happy with the result of your efforts.
@jambongris Hi Michael,thank you for your cool comments!
Yes it is walnut and planetree, the bodyshape is like a Gibson L00, so a 00 parlour. The finish is a gloss one for back and sides and a Tru Oil finish on the top (Sitka AAA)
The first sounds are pretty good. The nuts are in tusk for the head one and bone . There is a lot of little imperfections but Im happy for my second construction!
@thib When you say "play again", I thinking you mean make a recording with your new guitar? That would be a treat for sure.
@jambongris OK only for you! 🤣 a lot of mistakes, but just recorded now after work...