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Guess the Song!?!?
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Guess the Song!?!?

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Reputable Member

Hint: it's not bluegrass. 

Was just jamming around the other day and figured out how to play a cool song. It's not typically on acoustic guitar. Can ya'lll guess what I'm playing? 

Topic starter Posted : April 25, 2020 12:10 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 6 people reacted
Estimable Member

The best Songs are result from jamming in A minor. 😉

I like the Sound of the Change from natural minor to harmonic minor (E Major Chord) 

Posted : April 26, 2020 3:48 AM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 5 people reacted
Active Member

Eminem - "Cleaning Out My Closet"

Note: Mac's my son, but he didn't tell me.  ; )




Posted : April 26, 2020 8:59 AM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 6 people reacted
Famed Member

It sounds so familiar but I just can't place it. Are you going to tell us? 😊 

Posted : April 26, 2020 3:25 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 5 people reacted
Reputable Member

@rschildernc-rr-com hah! thats cheating

Posted : April 26, 2020 10:02 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 5 people reacted
Reputable Member

No idea, but i'm loving the rustic setting with the birds tweeting, crickets chirping and the trees swaying.


They say here in the UK there are two lock-downs. Those stuck in high rises and tiny flats with serious domestic stuff going on, and those having a peaceful getaway.


I'm happy, and very grateful,  to say i'm in the latter category. Looks like you are too! Nice tune whatever it is.

Posted : April 27, 2020 1:16 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 7 people reacted
Reputable Member

@shysue Cleanin out my closet by Eminem! There is some very bad language so viewer discretion is advised!! 🙂 

Topic starter Posted : April 27, 2020 7:48 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 5 people reacted
Famed Member

@macschildergmail-com Oh okay, thanks for revealing the song. I didn't think of Eminem though.

Posted : April 28, 2020 7:58 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 5 people reacted
Reputable Member

@dom Thanks! It is a peaceful spot indeed. What part of England? I've got some family in the midlands. 

Topic starter Posted : April 29, 2020 6:39 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 5 people reacted
Eric Reinhardt
Famed Member

I would have never guessed but it sounded good

Posted : June 9, 2020 6:29 AM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 2 people reacted
Prominent Member

Don’t the title but it’s a nice one!

Posted : June 9, 2020 4:29 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 1 people reacted
Prominent Member
Posted by: @jocelyn

Don’t know the title but it’s a nice one!


Posted : June 10, 2020 4:04 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Marc Piechowicz and 1 people reacted
Reputable Member

A lot of work went into that sound, thanks, really enjoyed it. 

Posted : June 10, 2020 10:38 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Susan Wagner and 2 people reacted
Reputable Member

@dom where in the Uk are you? I’m in oxford 

Posted : June 10, 2020 10:39 PM
jerseychicadee, John, Susan Wagner and 2 people reacted
Reputable Member



I'm In Norwich. And that's to Mac too who asked me the same question a while ago and i forgot to reply. Actually I think I forgot to do the intro page having signed up on a whim late at night after a few shandys! 😵

Posted : June 11, 2020 11:17 AM
jerseychicadee, John, Susan Wagner and 1 people reacted
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