Hint: it's not bluegrass.
Was just jamming around the other day and figured out how to play a cool song. It's not typically on acoustic guitar. Can ya'lll guess what I'm playing?
The best Songs are result from jamming in A minor. 😉
I like the Sound of the Change from natural minor to harmonic minor (E Major Chord)
Eminem - "Cleaning Out My Closet"
Note: Mac's my son, but he didn't tell me. ; )
It sounds so familiar but I just can't place it. Are you going to tell us? 😊
No idea, but i'm loving the rustic setting with the birds tweeting, crickets chirping and the trees swaying.
They say here in the UK there are two lock-downs. Those stuck in high rises and tiny flats with serious domestic stuff going on, and those having a peaceful getaway.
I'm happy, and very grateful, to say i'm in the latter category. Looks like you are too! Nice tune whatever it is.
@shysue Cleanin out my closet by Eminem! There is some very bad language so viewer discretion is advised!! 🙂
@macschildergmail-com Oh okay, thanks for revealing the song. I didn't think of Eminem though.
@dom Thanks! It is a peaceful spot indeed. What part of England? I've got some family in the midlands.
I would have never guessed but it sounded good
Don’t the title but it’s a nice one!
Don’t know the title but it’s a nice one!
A lot of work went into that sound, thanks, really enjoyed it.
I'm In Norwich. And that's to Mac too who asked me the same question a while ago and i forgot to reply. Actually I think I forgot to do the intro page having signed up on a whim late at night after a few shandys! 😵